The Joyous treatment

What's next?

Congratulations on scheduling your appointment, you just took the first step towards prioritizing yourself! 

We would like to welcome you to Joyous! We are so excited to help you get started with your own personalized treatment plan. 

But before you get started we just want to explain:
1) how the Joyous digital protocol works
2) show you how to take the medication
3) set some expectations for what you might experience when you first start taking it

You did a great job scheduling your first appointment with us, and our providers are looking forward to talking with you!

At this appointment the two of you will discuss your personal treatment goals, the details about ketamine, and then the provider will decide if the Joyous treatment plan is right for you. Please have your ID available during the appointment for identity confirmation.

Medication Shipping

After this appointment your prescription will be sent to our network of specialty compounding pharmacies, and will be shipped directly to your door within 2-3 days. Once you receive the medication, we will send you a text asking if you would like to start treatment today, tomorrow, or at a later date which you can set.

Joyous Care Team

Also known as the Joyous Friends, communicates via text, so feel free to reach out for support by texting: 650-729-9603 The Joyous Friends, will message you back Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Pacific Time.

Daily Check-ins

Each day you will receive url links to daily check-in forms so we can personalize your protocol. We have developed a highly responsive digital protocol system that utilizes questionnaires to collect information about your symptoms, feelings, and preferences to adjust your dose of medication.

How to Take the Medication

The medication comes in the form of a lozenge, also known as a troche, that looks like little waxy cubes that dissolve in your mouth. You will place the troche in your mouth between your upper jaw and cheek (watch the video above for a demonstration). The lozenge will take between 10-15 minutes to dissolve, based on your mouth’s temperature and moisture level. 

What to Expect Once You Begin Treatment

After about 15 minutes, you may begin to feel a subtle calming and possible lightheadedness. Most people report having a positive experience with little-to-no side effects, however, if you feel you need assistance, we are always here to guide you towards a more optimal experience. The first 3-5 days of treatment is the time when you begin to learn how ketamine affects you. With guidance from us, your prescribed dosing, and the responsive digital protocol, we will continue to track and adjust your dose based on how you feel. While you are learning, you may experience some feelings of lightheadedness, spaciness, or possibly even nausea. All of these feelings are normal, and can be reduced through simple adjustments to the protocol.

Ongoing Care

While you are with us, we will check-in on you everyday to see how you are feeling to determine if the treatment is effective for you. Where we see fit, our team of highly trained professionals will adjust your treatment and provide you with recommendations on how to optimize your mental health improvements. After 21 days our providers will check back in with you via a telehealth consultation, and see if a refill makes sense. A new 30-day supply of medication will be shipped directly to your door. This process will continue every month that you choose to stay with us!

Like we mentioned, this treatment is all about learning how you react to the medication and discovering what dose works for you! Change will happen slowly and gradually, it might be difficult to notice at first but be sure it will happen, most of our patients report that friends and family notice the positive change first, it’s important you ask for feedback and support from your loved ones. You may still experience ups and downs in your daily mood or outlook, remember this is not an indicator of regression, sometimes it is just life. Remember, it’s ok not to be ok, the Joyous Friends are here for you!

Learn more about our proprietary technology and how our digital protocol works in the video below.