The Joyous treatment

How Joyous Treatment Works

Joyous utilizes a proprietary low dose ketamine treatment that can produce immediate calming effects, and spark the beginning of gradual and consistent mental health improvement. Patients receive daily guidance, treatment courses, and custom recommendations on how to optimize their treatment results through our digital protocol technology.

How Ketamine Treatment Works

Ketamine affects the glutamate system. Glutamate is used in your brain for neurons to communicate. When people are under stress for a long time or depressed for a long time, they begin to lose connections. Ketamine can open a window of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity can be thought of as your brain's ability to heal by building new connections. Building new connections can lead to an improvement in mood, sleep, and overall outlook on life.

Withdrawal symptoms are rare in our clinical setting and when taken as prescribed by a medical provider. Many of our patients find themselves not taking it every day and only use it as needed. Ketamine medication is compatible with anti-depressant and anxiety medications, and your Joyous medical provider will review your current list of medications to check for medication interactions and ensure Joyous is a safe, effective treatment option for you.

On average, over 91% of Joyous patients report improvements in depression and anxiety symptoms in the first month of treatment. As you start our treatment, you will assess how the medication makes you feel, and we'll help you adjust your dosage until you find the right dose for you. It's important to remember that all bodies are different and some patients may experience the most noticeable improvements in months 2 or 3 of treatment. Our patients report the most significant improvements when they follow the treatment recommendations, complete the treatment courses we provide, and practice mindfulness and intention when taking their medicine.

What You Might Experience

Most people report having a positive experience with little-to-no side effects. The first 3-5 days of treatment is the time when you begin to learn how the medication affects you. The doses are very low, designed to make you feel a sense of calm and mental spaciousness. The doses are not high enough to experience a psychedelic effect, so you will remain fully coherent and "fully oriented," meaning you will have the mental spaciousness to direct your attention to the present moment. This is the perfect time to set an intention, do breathing exercises, or try one of our therapy exercises to help health unhealthy thought patterns.

With guidance from us, your prescribed dosing, and the responsive digital protocol, we will continue to track and adjust your dose based on how you feel. While you are learning, you may experience some feelings of lightheadedness, spaciness, or possibly even nausea. All of these feelings are normal, and can be reduced through simple adjustments to the protocol.

While you are with us, we will check-in on you everyday to see how you are feeling to determine if the treatment is effective for you. Where we see fit, our team of highly trained medical professionals will adjust your treatment and provide you with recommendations on how to optimize your mental health improvements. After 21 days our providers will check back in with you via a telehealth consultation, and see if a refill makes sense. A new 30-day supply of medication will be shipped directly to your door. This process will continue every month that you choose to stay with us!


On a month-by-month basis including: Medical Review, 30-Daily Doses of Medication & Shipping, Personalized Treatment Plan, Treatment Courses and Psychology-Based Exercises, Digital Protocol Technology, Individual Progress Tracking, Patient Portal Access, and Patient Care

Step 1 - Exploratory Consultation

Treatment begins with an exploratory consultation with one of our medical providers. Your Joyous provider will review you medical history, current medications, and you will discuss your personal treatment goals, the details about ketamine treatment, and the provider will help decide if the Joyous treatment plan is right for you.
Please have your ID available during the appointment for identity confirmation.

Step 2 - Prescription Delivery

After this appointment your prescription will be sent to our network of specialty compounding pharmacies, and 30 daily doses will be shipped directly to your door within 3-5 business days. Once you receive the medication, we will send you a text asking if you would like to start treatment today, tomorrow, or at a later date which you can set.

Step 3 - Treatment

Texting is the primary way we will communicate with you throughout your time with Joyous, we will send you daily reminders of your dose along with links to intake forms. Some forms are short and some are long, but they are all important, because your responses allow us to personalize your protocol each and every day.

Step 4 - Ongoing Care

Everyday you are with us, we will check-in with you to see how you are feeling and determine if this treatment is effective for you. At any point that you need assistance you can text the Joyous Care team at 650-729-9603 and they will help you out!

Schedule your appointment